Saturday, June 27, 2015

4.1.5 Johanne Ernestine Caroline Lobegeiger married Carl Krueger

4.1.5  Johanne Ernestine Caroline Lobegeiger  born 22nd February 1854 Charlottenhof and married Carl Krueger 31 Dec 1872 at Ipswich they had 14 children she died 28 January 1900 at Kalbar

Johanne Ernestine Caroline Lobegeiger  married Carl Krueger  


Johanne Ernestine Lobegeiger, fifth child of Wilhelm and Caroline Lobegeiger, born 22nd February 1854.  At the age of 18 years she was married to Carl Krueger on the 31st December 1872 at Normanby Reserve. 

Carl was born at Scehausen on the Ucker Lakes in the Provence of Brandenburg, Germany on 12th January 1850.  When he was 15 year old, he his three brothers and a sister emigrated with their parents from Templin, Brandenburg in May 1865, arriving in Moreton Bay, September 1865.

After their marriage, the young couple lived at Mount Walker growing cotton with Carl putting up miles of fences and working at splitting sleepers for the Brisbane extension of the railway line to Rosewood.  Whilst living at Mount Walker, their first two children were born, being both boys, the couple were highly delighted.

In 1876 Carl selected land at Fassifern Scrub.  He had taken up a large block being 291 acres, which in his own words was "a Howling wilderness".  He cleared a patch of scrub and erected a slab house with a shingle roof, and ten moved his family to the Fassifern Scrub, where another son was born soon after arrival.

Carl proceed to clear his selection which was slow and difficult work, it was also very difficult for Johanne as she assisted Carl with his labours and then looked after the family. Mending and making for them at night when not assisting her husband with the husking and shelling of maize at night, most of the shelling being done by hitting the cobs with a stick and later with a hand sheller.  She also had to carry drinking water from a nearby creek, also water for washing had to be carried from the creek.  All this she had to do to rear her family.

At about this time, Carl was elected to the Diaconate of the Engelsburg Baptist Church, and as a lot of his time was taken up preaching the Gospel, things got much harder for Johanne as a lot of the responsibility fell on her shoulders to keep the place going.

In 1886 Carl was registered as Pastor Krueger.  By this time the couple had 8 children, 5 sons and 3 daughters.  A new house had been built and added too to make a large dwelling.  Also an organ was bought for Johanne.  Her daughter and she spent many happy hours around the organ singing, as this was the only entertainment they had at home.

Most of the work load was being carried out by the two eldest sons ably assisted and directed by a devoted Johanne.  As Carl's duties as a Minister of Religion took him away from home some times a week or more, all this time the work of clearing and planting was going on, and they had many set-backs. 

Once a barn full to the rafters with maize was burnt to the ground.  A whole year’s work was gone up in smoke. Also a paddock of prairie grass was burnt, this was in the middle of a drought and was a great loss.  Still the family grew and survived.

In all 14 children were born.  One, a girl, deceased at the age of 4 months.  In all 8 sons and 5 daughters survived before Johanne passed away on 28th January 1900 at almost 46 years of age.

As Carl wrote in his stories, a life of a Pioneer:  "The Mother of them passed away out of this life, on the 28th January here at Kalbar in the year 1900, being with-in a month of 46 years of age, a great loss to us indeed, which has been felt very much all along"  Johanne ‘s remains were laid to rest in the old Baptist Church Cemetery, along with her mother, mother-in-law and father-in-law.

The original family of 13 are now deceased but a large number of children, grand-children, great grand-children carry on the name of this great couple, who came to this land so long, long ago, and have made a country out of the wilderness, for us to live in peace and to enjoy.  Oh what a heritage we so proudly claim.

Written by Len Krueger, eldest son of Henry Krueger, the youngest son of Carl and Johanne.   Alfred  Krueger    22 Dec 1873  25 July 1947
4. 1.5.2    Benjamin Krueger    4  Oct   1875      m Rosalia Rebecca Richter in 1904  D 6  July  1959    Charles  Krueger  10 Dec 1876        m Sarah Elizabeth O'Brien  1900  d   6 June   1951    William Krueger   23  June  1878  -24 Mar  1929      m   Minnie Lobegeiger    Ellen Krueger        17 Dec 1880      m  John William Moller 1907  d  7 Apr  1949    Albert Krueger         8 Feb 1882    Elizabeth Krueger    15 Nov  1883   d    19 June  1962    Esther Krueger 17 Aug 1885 m Henry Dickfoss 1906  d 16 Apr 1966    Ernest Krueger 4 Mar 1887  m Eva Anne Pennell 1916  m  Bertha Gertrude Fechner 1909
                                                   d 8 Dec  1961   Lydia Krueger       21 Sept  1888   m  Frederick William Rieck 1913    d  8 Feb  1956   Rebekah Krueger    1 June 1890  19 June 1962   John Krueger         25 Sept  1892 - Aug 1927   Henry Krueger         7 Dec 1893  m  1917  Auguste Christine Wolter                                                                              m Else Adelina Lotz  1928  d  30 Dec 1968   Adelaide Krueger   8 Apr  1897 m  Arthur Henry Schneider 1919 d Aug  1927

Spare a thought for Johanne, 14 children, over 24 years, and she died aged 46 she had her last child aged 43.

By now the family names are once again becoming intertwined:  Dickfos, Lobegeiger, Schneider, Wolter, Rieck and Richter.


  1. Hi Kris,
    I have been puzzling over my grandmother's tree and was idly clicking on google and came up!
    I am the ggggranddaughter of Wilhelm and Caroline Lobegeiger. Shirley Dunlop. My mum was Edna Schneider daughter to Arthur Henry Schneider and Adelaide Krueger and back through marie and ferdinand Krueger, Jacob and Caroline Lobegeiger to William Lobegeiger and Caroline. Nice to meet you. I now live in Launceston Tasmania but am from Brisbane. 59 years old.

  2. Kris...there seems to be some mix up with the children. Adelaide is a granddaughter not a daughter. I am trying to figure out which family raised her, Korner or Krueger and am wondering if that is why there is this mixup.
